Friday, October 21, 2011

Physique and psyche........

From time indefinite that the one who is slender or slim has the eternal reason to mock at the not so slender/slim ones........ I had seen this happening to people like me, where ever we went.........Its like we were by birth entitled to being mocked by the few slim chaps.......  But I failed to understand why did this happen? Was just the physical attribute more important in determining what a person can be?

It is saddening to know that as much as 70 percent of the obese population have a inferiority complex in them. This happens or is automatically evoked by others due to constant mockery and pinpointing......... The slim class on other side, dwells with superiority complex....... But I could not relate to this fact at any point of time in my life....... Yes, there are disadvantages of being obese...... you cannot wear what you want...... but it definitely does not mean that obese people are not beautiful by looks or any lesser intelligent.......

Even in cinemas age old and new, there are stereotype characters related to the different physical attributes....... The slim ones always end up as the main leads and the obese ones as the supporting casts.... example Tuntun......These charatcers would always be shown as someone who would torture the main characters or are shown eating food always on the boy, in Bombay to Goa..whose dialog in the movie is "Appah! pakoda......". But against the rule, are few people who proved to be more fit and flexible that even slimer ones could be put to shame..... examples are all the leading choreographers of Bollywood........ Even in the famous serial on Sab channel, there is a supporting family, The Hathis....... I mean, its just so not fair to typecast the obese ones like that........

I keep wondering why or who was the person who gave such type of liberty to slim/slender people to mock or have fun at cost of the obese ones...... Even amongst friends, one may call other by nickname like fatty or something else...... If you are one of them, Stop and think what are you doing? Its not nice to make fun of someone who is obese...... they may not be slim/slender but definitely not less respectful than you are...........

Wherever I go, I see friends nicknaming or gesturing the person by hands to show that they are obese......... Have you thought, what if they react on such gestures and call you as ugly or with some other name on your face......... How would you feel when you get the taste of your own medicine......... Obesity is like any other ailment.. I see people being mindful or respectful or more so kind to people who are visually, physically handicapped but the same set of people are disrespectful towards someone who is obese........ Why is this partiality?.... and an appropriate question on your face, "Who do you think you are to mock others?"  Why does one not think that this is all because of the genes and the hereditary.Its not like anyone wantingly asked to be obese or become dark skinned........ 

And then why do people frame the phrases, "Dark,tall and handsome" or "Obesity is mark of wealth" or for that matter, why would you call a pregnant woman beautiful and compliment on her glow, when even she would fall in temporarily obese class, logically speaking.,...
Its all bias that people have created amongst themselves................. True beauty lies within a person and one can only appreciate it, if you have that open mind to embrace whatever others are gifted with........... Only because someone is fair or someone is beautiful, does not mean, he/she is the best........ who knows one may look like million bucks but keep failing in mathematics........... 

Think about it...... Physical attributes are just temporary and can fade away with time.............. But one's true inner self is what remains behind........ Dont let your inner beauty be blinded by the temporary materialistic attributes of living..... The greatest beauty in appreciation of creation of God in all forms on earth........


  1. Simply amazing... Love these lines to the core "Physical attributes are just temporary and can fade away with time.............. But one's true inner self is what remains behind." & "it definitely does not mean that obese people are not beautiful by looks or any lesser intelligent.......
    ".... a very good one

  2. Thought provoking and a true vision. Ignore the comments of an ignorant person because he/she does not know what is the definition of the real beauty. Also the commentators will receive the things back along with interest. Keep the happy smile and laugh at the ignorant.

  3. Agreed with you!! Innerself is very important than Physique appearance.


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